At this moment, exactly two years ago, I was in the hospital preparing to meet my baby girl. This being my 2nd, I was SURE it wouldn't be nearly as long as my labor with Sophia. But my stubborn Madison wanted to make sure that her entrance was just as anticipated as her sisters! At 8:45pm on February 12th, I heard the sweet sound of my precious baby girl as she made her grand entrance into the world. Since I was a terrible mommy the 2nd time around and didn't write this stuff down anywhere, here are a few memories of that day...
My biggest fear: PITOCIN. It did ugly things to me when Sophia was born and I knew it would again. But we also knew of the risk of carrying to term and made the choice to be induced at 39 wk to avoid the placenta deteriorating (thank you diabetes). IF there is a next time, I will let my body lead the way more than I did- assuming the baby was not at risk of course. To quote one of my favorite teachers, "I did the best with the information I had".
Birth details: My wonderful doctor allowed me to stay on my insulin pump throughout labor/delivery - so much better than the drip I was on with Sophia! I was able to manage my blood sugars, with help from Megan. Progressed from 3 cm dilated to 8 cm in less than ONE HOUR. Epidural couldn't keep up and at one point I truly thought I was going to die. I wouldn't have made it without the love and support I had surrounding and encouraging me.
In the delivery room with us: Bob, Megan, my mom and best friend Anthea.
Her impressive stats: 8 lbs 7 oz 21.5 in!!

Favorite memory of her birth: Seeing her shocking black hair and dark eyes for the first time AND the dimple in her cheek- just like her dad. Our true Persian Princess!

Biggest regret: Eating In N Out an hour before checking in to the hospital! Little did I know then what I do now!! And I wondered why the heartburn was so bad I was literally popping TUMS in the delivery room. DUH.
Sophia meeting her baby sister for the first time. Sophia was still just a babe herself in this picture!!
Our family of FIVE becomes SIX! Now that is a full house :)
When you birth babies as beautiful as this why would you ever want to stop?? (HINT HINT BOB!!) Maybe I need to read my post on sleeping again to remind myself!
Madison at 2:
Sweet. Playful. Talkative- she talks in 5-6 word sentences at a time! Adores Sophia and wants to be a big girl like her- but still insists she is the baby. Still uses her "bubba" - the ugly green pacifier they give you at the hospital- but will put it in her pocket when we remind her she is a big girl. Her laugh might be my absolute favorite sound in the whole world and her dimple smile makes my heart melt. She loves to hug and cuddle and will rub your ear off if you let her. She is super bossy with her big brothers and will often yell "BRUUUUUDDDERSSSS" at the top of her lungs when she needs something (to which they both come running of course). She is stubborn and most times gets her way when it comes to fighting with Sophia over a doll, sippy cup or book. Sophia has learned it is easier to give in and pick out another one than to wait for Madison to stop screaming. I think she will definitely hold her own as the youngest sibling! She loves to tell secrets and if I ask her how long she will be my baby she tells me "for EVA and EVA mama".
When I first found out I was pregnant with Maddie I asked my mom how I would ever love another as much as the first. How could your heart hold that much love? She said "It just happens. You fall in love all over again".
I am so glad I got to fall in love all over again that day and every day since. I can't imagine what our family would be like without our dimple face. Love you Maddie girl. Happy Birthday!
I have learned today, that I need to stop reading your blog at work. Because I sit infront of the computer crying =) I love your girls, and love walking down memory lane with your pictures and stories. Happy Birthday Madison!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Maya, tears are flowing. I'm glad I am at home for this one! Madison, our sweet, beautiful Persian Princess. She makes my heart melt every day just like all of my grandchildren and my 3 children do. Isn't amazing how much love a mom can have for their kids, no matter how many there are. Amy, you are a wonderful Mom and this post is proof of it. Your kids are so lucky to have you. Happy Birthday my sweet Maddie!
ReplyDeleteAmy, I have really enjoyed your blog so far. Thanks for sharing it with the DMs! Like you, I dilated from 3 to 8 in about half an hour w/ a pitocin IV...I was BEGGING for the epidural after that, just so I could breathe! I hope to avoid an induction next time and experience a slower-paced labor...but maybe I don't know what I'm really wishing for! Haha :)